Thursday, December 10, 2015

Crafting and Runecrafting in Runescape

Runecrafting allows you to make your own runes, a useful skill considering that spells use quite a lot of them. The first necessary step to take is to mine Rune Essence from the Essence Mine. The Abyss comes highly recommended by a number of players. However, getting to these mines is no easy task. Finding the mine can be quite challenging and very few sources can teleport you to it. Those who can include the Wizard Distentor of the Yanille Magic Guild, the Wizard Cromperty, found Northeast of the Ardougne Market, and Brimstail Gnome, found in a cave in the southwest corner of the Tree Gnome Stronghold.

Mining is a practical way for newcomers to fund later adventures. After a few days of mining, you can sell your bulk essence. Since the price you get for it greatly depends upon the quantity, you should have at least 1,000 essence. There are two types of essence, normal essence and pure essence. You can mine pure essence if you are a member with at least level 30. Pure essence can then be used to craft any rune while normal essence can only be used to craft fire, earth, air, water, mind and body runes.

With the right know-how, runecrafting can be an excellent way to make fast money. While finding lucrative and convenient altars can be challenging, a mid to high level player can benefit from heading out into the wild, as the best altars are found far from the banks. In order to runecraft, the player must have reached at least level 35. Up until that point, one can make air runes with 4,482 rune essence. From level 35 up to level 44, you can make chaos runes with 3,911 rune essence. Once above level 44, you can make nature runes and sell them for anywhere between 300 and 500 gp a piece. These runes yield the highest profit.

When runecrafting, it is advisable to wear boots of lightness and wear minimal armor and weaponry. Only a pickaxe is needed. It is recommended to have pouches with you to allow you to carry more essence. Remember to use your pouches if you have them. They will save you time and money.

To make nature runes quickly, you must:

Convert all rune essence into bank notes.
Take 4 times the amount of gp as you have essence.
Take notes to the shop near the village.
Sell your notes to the shop and buy them back in real form.
Go to the Altar to craft nature runes.
Return to the shop and repeat as many times as you wish.
There a lot of ways to runecraft. These are just a few pointers to get you started. The true secret lies in experience and practice.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Choosing Hockey Sticks For Your Best Game Play

Hockey equipment is required for all players who step onto the ice but some differences exist regarding the hockey equipment utilized by different leagues. Players’ hockey equipment generally consists of skates, shin pads, gloves, hockey pants, sticks, and helmets. The hockey stick tends to be the most vital, apart from your body protection.

Choosing hockey sticks that suit you best is important. If you choose the wrong sticks you could end up playing badly or even doing yourself an injury. So how do you work out which hockey sticks are right for you? Here are some helpful tips.

Firstly, when standing in your skates, your stick should reach your chin. Some defence based players prefer a longer stick to give them more reach when they're defending. If you can, buy your sticks a little long and have the shop cut them down. This is far better than having a stick that is too long or too short. Most people tend to find they have to be a legend soccer hack and have their stick customized to give them their optimum comfort.

You can work out what length you need by looking closely at the wear of the tape on the bottom of your stick. If the tape is worn down near the toe, then you should probably consider a longer stick. If the tape instead is worn near the heel, then you should probably consider a shorter stick. Ultimately you should try sticks at different lengths until you find one that's got a comfortable weight and feel for you.

When choosing hockey sticks you should also consider weight and blade size. Most players recommend wrapping both the stick handle and the blade with a layer of tape. This is done to assure both a tighter grip on the handle and so that the puck does not slide off of the blade as easy as normal. If you are new to the game and have yet to tape your stick then we recommend that you do this early on. As outlined above, it will help you measure your game.

Different curves will affect the way you stick handle and shoot the puck too. Again, when you're starting off and new to the game, it is a good idea to try different curves until you find one that feels comfortable. Like with all sports equipment, the best idea is try out a few different hockey sticks so that you find one that conforms to your style.